Data Migration and Conversion

Data Migration & Conversion Done Safely & Differently

Organizations that need a risk free, fast way to move their most valuable asset use the most proven way in the world to migrate data.

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Move and convert data with ultimate speed and accuracy

Move to a Target System Without the Risk


Years' Experience


Policies Converted


Data Accurately Migrated

40% less

Associated Costs


Projects Successfully Completed


Different Systems

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Get Set for Success, in Seconds

We have migrated to or from every conceivable vendor-supplied policy administration system in North America, but that doesn’t mean we treat every project as the same.

Unlike traditional efforts that take months just to get going, we mine into the core system and provide immediate clarity and visibility into your needs so it can be integrated into our process.

Unleashing the Power: Data Migration, Transformation and Integration in the Life Insurance Industry

Strategize, Estimate, and Plan a Successful Data Project

Our Data Migration Study is an independent analysis of your data, systems and business that jump-starts your data initiatives and accelerates modernization.

The plan:

  • Assesses the current state of the data in your legacy systems
  • Tailors the appropriate approach for migration—from planning to execution to testing
  • Identifies potential risks
  • Provides solid mitigation solutions
  • Details budgets and timelines
Connect with us

A Proven Approach That Moves Your Business Forward

Brian Carey

Brian Carey

Senior Director, Insurance Solutions

Brian is a back-office product expert with deep expertise in insurance core systems and in complex implementations that leverage the latest technologies.

See more insights from Brian
Contact Brian

How a Tier 1 Carrier Moved 400,000+ Policies to a Modern PAS

Read the case study to learn how to:

  • Consolidate many legacy systems
  • Drastically reduce data migration resources and costs
  • Eliminate risk and ensure a successful conversion
EQUISOFT Case Study How A Tier 1 Carrier Moved 400000 Policies to a Modern PAS

100+ Clients Entrusted Us With Their Most Complex Projects

Voya Logo
Columbian Financial Group
American Fidelity
Clear View Logo 2021
Family Guardian Logo 2021

Why This Is the World’s Best

  • Best team, best tools, best methodology
  • Success with 60+ commercial and home-grown systems
  • 200+ projects completed over 25 years
  • Fixed-price or time and materials within 10% budget predictability
  • Success is guaranteed
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Do Data Migration Right