Celent Report: Life Insurance Illustration Systems, 2020

Global research firm Celent conducted a comprehensive review of 10 illustration systems in use by or being marketed for North American life, health, and annuities products.

Report highlights include:

  • Market overview and business drivers.
  • Detailed review, key technical specifications and feedback from reference clients.
  • Technology and breadth of functionality that positioned Equisoft at the top of the quadrant.
Celent Illustrations Report

Equisoft/illustrate Named a Top Solution for Insurers

"Equisoft/illustrate provides the best experience we saw across all illustration systems this year."

"The UI provides the unique capability of real time calculation refreshes on the illustration input page."

"The system also has the ability for questions to be more interview-based (like TaxAct) for some products, which was not seen in other illustration systems."

* Celent 2020 report by Karen Monks and Keith Raymond

"Equisoft/illustrate Should Be on an Insurer’s Short List When Considering a New Illustration System.” – Karen Monks, Sr. Analyst, Celent