Equisoft Accelerate Webinar Series

How to Build Data Foundations for a Digital Insurance Future

Equisoft Accelerate Webinar Series

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Watch this insightful webinar featuring industry experts from J.D. Power, Universal Conversion Technologies, and Equisoft. This engaging session provides a deep dive into the pivotal role of data in shaping the future of the insurance industry.

Key Insights from Leading Experts

Our speakers, including Robert Lajdziak, Mike Allee, and Brian Carey, discuss the strategic importance of data integration, customer experience, and operational efficiency in today's insurance market. Learn how leading companies are overcoming common challenges associated with legacy systems and how they are using advanced technologies like AI and machine learning to drive better decision-making.

Transformative Strategies for Insurance Professionals

This webinar is essential for CIOs and senior executives at insurance institutions who are steering their company’s digital transformation. The discussion focuses on:

  • Effective Data Migration: Strategies to transition from outdated systems to modern, integrated platforms.
  • Enhancing Customer Experience: How to use data to meet and exceed customer expectations across all touchpoints.
  • Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating risks associated with data and system integrations.

Why Watch This Webinar?

Gain actionable insights that can be applied to enhance your company’s data strategy. Understand the foundational elements necessary for building a robust digital infrastructure that supports growth and innovation.

Our Speakers

  • Alan Dulin headshot
    Alan Dulin

    Global Head & Senior Managing Director, Insurance & Healthcare Payers at Oracle

  • Chip Bircher Headshot
    Chip Bircher

    Head of Advisory Services, Technology Providers & Life Insurance Carriers at Datos Insights

  • Headshot dave shively
    Dave Shively

    Chief Operating Officer at Equisoft

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