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Streamlining The Data Flow Between Distributors and All Industry Stakeholders

At a recent advisor conference topics ranged from emerging technology to how to master client conversations—but the overall theme was “Brilliant Because of the Basics!”

Leveraging technology to automate and excel at the basics

The day featured presentations from leading North American advisors, who became successful because they excelled at the basics of the business. The message that stood out was, how advisors can optimize their practice by automating those basics.

Many of the sessions and a lot of the discussions we had centered around using technology to automate workflows and processes in advisor practices—saving them time and effort, reducing headaches, and helping them work more effectively.

Of particular interest were issues like: how technology can give advisors more time in front of clients doing the high-value work they enjoy and that client’s benefit from the most, how can technology help identify client needs and advisor opportunities, and how it can support, even automate, marketing strategies and the sales process.

Those are exactly the kinds of opportunities Equisoft is focused on. Together with our partners we seek to innovate to provide end-to-end solutions that can help all the stakeholders in the ecosystem find efficiencies and grow their business.

We’re striving to help advisors, leverage technology to, not just save time, but excel at the basics. We envision a world in which advisors are able to efficiently and effectively create consistently great client relationships, where compliance is no longer a source of stress, and sales opportunities are maximized.

Streamlining the data flow between all industry stakeholders

The adoption of open information architectures and the increasing free flow of data reveals new possibilities for all levels of the industry. It was interesting to have conversations about the importance of helping drive advisor efficiency, and also streamlining data flow to help everyone work more effectively.

At Equisoft we work with all types of industry stakeholders to open-up the flow of information between manufacturers, distributors, advisors and their clients. In the best scenarios, data can flow as needed from manufacturer systems to broker-dealer back-offices and advisor portals, and then on to advisor CRM's and asset allocation tools—speeding up sales and support activity, and accelerating the pace of innovation.

With our partners, we are always working to align the interests of all parties, to streamline data flow and communication, and provide the tools all stakeholders need to provide maximum benefit to the client.

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