Technology Capabilities to Improve Agent Experiences at Life Insurers

Improving the Agent Journey: Technology Capabilities to Improve Agent Experiences at Life Insurers

New business submission in the independent insurance channel is often a frustrating process for all stakeholders. We commissioned this insurer CIO study to better understand the reasons why the process can take so long, what carriers are doing to address the issues, and what workflow & technology enhancements all stakeholders can contribute to improving agent experience.

We commissioned this research with Datos Insights (previously Aite-Novarica) to uncover:

  • Why are policy approval timelines so long?
  • What communication improvement would accelerate time to issuance?
  • What are carriers doing to streamline onboarding processes?
  • What technologies can distributors and advisors implement to improve agent experience?

Discover how Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are adapting to digital transformation and what it means for your modernization journey.

Technology Capabilities to Improve Agent Experiences at Life Insurers

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Navigating Through Traditional and Modern Channels

While digital platforms are gaining ground, traditional means like email and paper submissions persist, particularly for complex products. This report provides a comprehensive look at how life insurers balance innovative digital strategies with established practices to meet diverse client needs.

Integrations and Cybersecurity

Learn about the selective integration approaches insurers take with agency management systems to streamline operations while addressing critical cybersecurity concerns. Learn more about maintaining the balance between operational efficiency and the safeguarding of sensitive data.

Communication Dynamics in Underwriting

One-on-one interactions with underwriters are standard for complex policies but the details and frequency of the process varies widely across the industry. This report sheds light on how digital channels can help enhance the quality and speed of submissions.

The Digital Horizon: Opportunities and Resistance

There is notable resistance to adopting new technologies among agents. This report provides insights into the driving forces behind this hesitancy and the opportunities that digital solutions present for improving sales cycles and agent experiences.

The Future of Compensation and Automation

The report highlights the challenges presented by the complexity of many compensation structures and the ways in which automation can optimize the commission accounting process. Understand the trends shaping the future of commission management and the technological advancements that are setting new standards for accuracy and efficiency.

Optimize your Digital Transformation with Perspective from Industry Leaders

Download the full report to harness the knowledge that will accelerate your modernization.

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